Due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation in Slovenia, Slovenian FA informed the futsal clubs of the first and second division that all competitions are postponed until furhter notice.
❗️❗️NZS je klube 2. SNL in 1. SFL obvestila, da državne institucije zaradi poslabšane epidemiološke slike, kljub velikemu prizadevanju NZS, ne dovoljujejo nadaljevanja tekmovanj v 2. SNL in 1. SFL. Obe tekmovanji sta tako do nadaljnjega prekinjeni. #2SNL #1SFL pic.twitter.com/KGPqZvPUnO
— NZS | FA Slovenia (@nzs_si) October 23, 2020
This decision does not include men's and women's football leagues - only futsal.
We hope that this is only temporary and that futsal will continue in Slovenia as soon as humanely possible. We wish fast recovery for everyone infected with Covid-19.