- 263.707 unique visitors in February
- 374.859 unique visitors combined in January and February
- More than 1.120.007 page views!
- Best-ranked futsal website in the world according to Alexa
In the 2nd month of existing, we have reached incredible 263.707 unique visitors from 213 countries around the world! It is a huge number, especially if you see the growth from January.
We want to remind you that we had in January (1st month of FutsalFeed) 115.373 unique visitors.
If you take all visitors from the beginning (2 months), we already had 374.859 unique visitors from 217 countries and 1.120.007 page views!
Alex ranking
We are also happy to see that we are the best-ranked futsal website in the world, according to well known Alexa.
FutsalFeed is on this ranking on the #1.575.314 in global internet engagement in the last 90 days, while the next two ranked futsal websites below us have #2.218.652 and #5.977.539 place.
TOP 5 ORIGINAL Articles in February
- TOP 6 Futsal indoor shoes
- 8 Postulates to become a top futsal goalkeeper!
- Giannis Ziavas made a huge analysis of futsal World Cup Qualifiers!
- 5 things you didn't know about Ricardinho
- TOP 5 Young European futsal talents you need to follow!
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